CIMI - Conselho Indigenista Missionário
Indianist Missionary Council
SDS Edificio Venâncio III Salas 309/314
Brasilia- DF CEP 70393-900 Brazil
Phone: 55 61 225-9457 _ Fax: 55 61 225-9401 _
(Abya Yala Net provides these bulletins from the Conselho Indigenista Missionário / Indianist Missionary Council as a good source of information on Indigenous struggles in the Amazonian Basin. For more information on CIMI, see Sem Fronteiras - Conselho Indigenista Missionário, or write
Mesa mountain range: aggression against Indians and the environment (no. 264, 12 June 1997)
Pataxo Indians under risk of massacre in Brazil (no. 263, 5 June 1997)
Indefinicao da justica agrava risco de massacre dos Pataxo
Ha-Ha-Hae (Português, 3 de junho de 1997)
Conflict in Pataxo Ha-Ha-Hae area almost ends up in a massacre (no. 262, 28 May 1997)
Government tries to deny negotiation over Raposa/Serra do Sol area (no. 261, 15 May 1997)
Serra do Sol para se Reeleger (Português, 16 de maio de 1997)
The Murder of Galdino will be judged by a Court of Law (no. 260, 15 May 1997)
Pataxo Ha-Ha-Hae are surrounded by farmers (no. 259, 8 May 1997)
Violencia em Pau Brasil - Bahia (Português, 06 de maio de 1997)
Uncertainties prevail in Sucuriy Indigenous area (no. 258, 5 May 1997)
Poder judiciario insiste no despejo judicial da comunidade indigena Guarani-Kaiowa do Sucuri'y
(Maracaju, MS) (Português) (30 de abril de 1997)
Crime contra indio Pataxo comove o país (Português) (21 de abril de 1997)
Government creates national human rights department (English); Jobim sai reduzindo terras
indigenas (Português) (no. 255, 10 April 1997)
Guarani-Kaiowa under risk of new eviction threaten to commit suicide (no. 254, 3 April 1997)
Entities break away from Prodeagro (no. 253, 26 March 1997)
Guarani community of Sucuriy threatened with eviction (March 14, 1997)
CIR denounces the consequences of ministerial decision on the Raposa/Serra do Sol area (no.
251, 13 March 1997)
War is declared against Krikati Indians (no. 250, 6 March 1997)
Death of Darcy Ribeiro touches Indians in Brazil (no. 248, 20 February 1997)
Indians react against neglect of the federal administration (no. 247, 14 February 1997)
World bank pressures state of Rondonia (no. 246, 6 February 1997)
Enticement of indians into exploiting mahogany denounced (no. 245, 30 January 1997)
Guarani-Kaiowa remain expelled from the Sucuriy area (no. 244, 23 January 1997)
Yanomami: programmed genocide (English); Yanomami: genocidio programado (Português) (no.
240, 12 December 1996)
Judgment of Vicente Canas case is postponed again (no. 237, 21 November 1996)
Supreme court legitimates illegal municipalities. Decision violates Indigenous rights (no. 236, 14
November 1996)
Hunger and death threats against Indigenous peoples increase (no. 235, 7 November 1996)
Indigenous peoples fight against neglect (no. 233, 24 October 1996)
Waimiri-Atroari fight Paranapanema for their rights (no. 232, 17 October 1996)
Jobim visits Raposa/Serra do Sol area. Indians conclude self- demarcation (no. 231, 10 October
Courts suspend closing of the gates of serra da mesa power plant (no. 230, 1 October 1996)
New maneuver against Indigenous rights aims to reduce Raposa/Serra do Sol Indigenous area
(no. 229, 20 September 1996)
Government uses amazonian week to further questionable purposes (no. 228, 19 September
Senate studies law aimed at regulating access to biodiversity (no. 227, 12 September 1996)
Shout of the socially marginalized for land and work (no. 226, 6 September 1996)
Deputies analyze another bill against Indians (no. 225, 29 August 1996)
Ava-Canoeiro indians threatened by extinction by power station lake (no. 224, 21 August 1996)
Indians and rural workers demand land reform and the end of violence in rural areas (no. 223, 15
August 1996)
Courts force FUNAI to provide information on claims against the existence or size of Indigenous
areas (6 August 1996)
Ava-guarani Indians Make Agreement with Power Plant (no. 204, 9 Apr 1996)
Attorney General Questions Conduct of Jobim and Argues That Decree 1,775/96 is
Unconstitutional (no. 202, March 22, 1996)
FUNAI Changes President the Third Time in a Year (no. 201, March 15, 1996)
CNBB Requests Review of Decree 1,775/96 (no. 199, February 29, 1996)
Resolution of the European Parliament; Conflict in Xavante Area (no. 198, 23 Feb 1996)
Xavante Demand Health Care; Victory on LDB Vote (no. 197, 22 Feb 1996)
World Bank Receives Capoib Representatives (no. 196, 11 Feb. 1996)
Capoib Denounces Brazilian Government, Jobim Meets Ambassadors; Governor Receives
Maxacali Indians (no. 195, 2 Feb 1996)
Capoib Protests at the Minorities' Commission (no. 194, 25 Jan 1996)
Campaign for the Revocation of the Genocidal Decree (no. 193, 18 Jan 1996)
Manifesto Against Decree 1775/96
New Decree is Unconstitutional (no. 192, 16 Jan 1996)
Decree 22/91 is Being Judged - Entities Hold National Mourning Day for the Land Reform (no.
190, 22 Dec 1995)
Sivam Scandal Strengthens Calha Norte Project (no. 189, 18 Dec 1995)
Entities Denounce Violation of Human Rights in Brazil (no. 188, 11 Dec 1995)
Human Rights Commission of the Organization of American States May Visit Guarani-Kaiowa
Area (no. 187, 4 Dec 1995)
Irregularities in Sivam Topple Authorities of the Brazilian Government (no. 186, 27 Nov 1995)
CIMI Discusses Health Care Provided to Indians with Minister of Health (no. 185, 20 Nov 1995)
Guarani Indians Self-demarcate Their Land (no. 184, 13 Nov 1995)