Newsletter n. 189 SIVAM SCANDAL STRENGTHENS CALHA NORTE PROJECT Working for several months, the special commission of the National Congress which is studying how to make the Calha Norte Project feasible took advantage of the crisis of the Investigation and Surveillance System of the Amazon Region (Sivam) to propose that the Calha Norte Project should be resumed as a complement to Sivam, which is the target of growing denunciations of corruption. Devised by the National Security Council in 1985, Calha Norte would be implemented on the border between Brazil and five countries, covering 6,771 km. It was partly implemented and then suspended due to financial problems. It is a development and militarist project that includes the setting up of Armed Forces stations in Indian areas, as was the case in the Yanomami territory. Of the actions of Calha Norte was to encourage mining activities, one of the factors causing health problems to Indians in Amazonia. When it was launched, Cimi prepared a dossier with heavy accusations against the project, which was particularly analyzed in its genocidal features. The ideological concept of Calha Norte is based on the false assumption that was very much used by the military dictatorship that the region must be ``protected'' against the internationalization of Amazonia and that Indian peoples must be prevented from establishing independent States. 60,000 Tukano, Baniwa, Kuripako, Tikuna, Yanomami, Mayongong, Taurepang, Macuxi and Wapixana Indians live in the area covered by Calha Norte and Sivam. JOBIM VISITS GUARANI-KAIOWA AREA The minister of Justice, Nelson Jobim, signed on Monday, December 11, an administrative decree authorizing the demarcation of the Panambizinho reservation in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The decree was signed during the two-day visit which the minister paid to the reservations of the Guarani-Kaiowa Indians, which coincided with the hanging of two additional Indians, raising to 54 the number of suicides registered among Indians this year. The reservation was expanded from 60 to 1,240 hectares. Farmers and other people who are against the demarcation watched from afar as the minister signed the decree. On Tuesday, the 12th, two councilmen from the city expressed their disagreement with the demarcation, saying that conflicts, and even a bloodshed, may result from the decision. The Panambizinho area is but one of the 22 Guarani-Kaiowa villages facing overcrowding problems because of the reduction of their land. The Kaiowa had been fighting for expanding this area for over 57 years and they demand the same treatment for the remaining reservations. Brasilia, December 15th, 1995 Indianist Missionary Council