Oil Exploration in the Amazon
- Fueling Destruction in the Amazon
- An Interview with Luis Macas, President of CONAIE
- The Disappearing Forest
- by Hannes Kuhtrgiber
- Increased Oil Development Rejected in the Amazon
- Indigenous Federations Take Strong Stand Against Seventh Round of Oil Leasing (1994)
- Flowers for Texaco
- by Anamaria Varea
- Ecuadorian Indigenous people, Environmental activists call for International boycott of Texaco (July 1993)
- Indigenas exigen evaluar dano causado por Texaco (May 1995)
- Amazonian Communities, Indigenous and Environmental Leaders Reject Ecuador-Texaco Agreement (May 1995)
- Ecuador, Texaco sign weak cleanup pact (July 1995)
- Boicot a Texaco (October 1996)
- Ecuador Communities Suffer Major Setback In U.S.
Courts (November 15, 1996)
- Maxus, un fracaso petrolero
- Un informe de la Campaña Amazonía Por la Vida
- Maxus spills rainforest crude (Sept. 1993)
- Public Letter to Maxus Shareholders (June 1995)
- Maxus, a Risky Experiment by the New President? (Aug. 1996)
- Declaration of the Quichua and Shuar Nations Before the Government, ARCO, and International Opinion
- Statement from OPIP on oil exploration
- Oil Companies Threaten Indian Communities and Amazon (ARCO, Sarayacu, Sept. 91)
- Oxy Agreement Under Fire in Ecuador (August 1996)
Comentarios y Sugerencias / Comments and Suggestions: Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org)