Son 600 agrupados en las comunidades. Su territorio está comprendido por los ríos Cayapa, Santiago, Onzole y Canandé. Son cerca de 4000 y son conocidos por la fabricación de canoas y la cesteria tradicional. Su idioma tradicional está emparentado con el de los Awa y Tsáchila.
About 600 Chachi live
in communities. Their
territory is bordered
by the Cayapa,
Santiago, Onzole and
Canandé rivers. They
number about 4000,
and they are known for their fabrication of
canoes and traditional basket weaving. Their
traditional language is similar to that of the
Awa and Tsáchila.
The Chachi (traditionally called "Cayapas") often clash over limited resources with the Afro-Ecuadorians who occupy the same region. According to Chachi tradition, they are originally from the province of Imbabura in the highlands, but fled toward the coast in the face of the Inka and Spanish conquests. Traditionally their economy was based on hunting, gathering, and fishing, but now they engage in agriculture both for household consumption as well as growing coffee and cacao for export. They are organized into twenty-eight Centros ("Centers") which are grouped into the Federación de Centros Chachi del Ecuador (FECCHE, Federation of Chachi Centers of Ecuador).
Comentarios y Sugerencias / Comments and Suggestions: Marc Becker (