Quichuas de Chimborazo

La provincia del Chimborazo se caracteriza por tener una población indígena más numerosa que otras provincial. Hay una población aproximada de 250.000 indígenas. Los grupos de mayor identificación por su vestimenta son los Cachas, Lictos, Coltas, Calpis, Pulucates y otros.

Chimborazo has more Indigenous peoples than any other province, with about 250,000. The principle groups noted for their distinctive dress are the Cachas, Lictos, Coltas, Calpis, Pulucates and others.

About forty percent of Chimborazo's population is Indigenous. Historically, they have gained a reputation as Ecuador's most rebellious highland Indians. Fernando Daquilema characterizes this history of rebellion. For a week in December of 1871, Daquilema launched an uprising from his community of Yaruquíes. It quickly spread to neighboring communities before being put down. A central issue in this struggle was not land, but taxes which Indigenous people were forced to pay to the Church and the state. This uprising is remembered as one of the largest, strongest, and most important in the nineteenth century in Ecuador. Indigenous leaders in Chimborazo during the June 1990 uprising would make reference to Daquilema as part of their history of struggle against the dominant culture.

Comentarios y Sugerencias / Comments and Suggestions: Marc Becker (marc@yachana.org)

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